t w o n e w p i e c e s | |
My work with eggs continues. One egg, one accident, two movements. But I've said it from the start: boil an egg, be yourself (or, hopefully, not), have a desire to manipulate situations, no good ideas, a camera and a website, an observing eye, a steady hand (a flat surface will do instead), soft cushions, china, decent lighting, extra eggs, and a surpassing knowledge of all man's arts, and the rest just comes sometimes, if your egg cracks open in the near-boiling water and gives its fertile matter to the shaping heat. What an athlete, the egg! White Elephant Mounts the World, 2008, egg. [*] The Emergence of Civilisation, or the Decorative Arts, 2008, egg, half-chintz egg cup. [*] |
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